Alcohol and Substance Use and Abuse

Substance Use and Abuse

Addiction Resource - Addiction Resource was created to help people struggling with substance abuse and to provide support to their loved ones.

Alcohol Rehab Guide

Facts and Information on Drugs - Find a local treatment center as well as information and facts on different substances. NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) "disseminates scientific research findings to improve the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders and enhance public awareness of addiction as a brain disorder." (Find more on their website at

Comprehensive Guide to Drugs on Campus

For a list of substance abuse treatment centers in the Denver Metro Area, email or call the RRCC Behavioral Health Counselor or call the JCMH Navigation Department at 303-425-0300.

RRCC Online Mental Health Screenings. Brief, anonymous screenings can help you determine if you or someone you care about may need to reach out to a professional for help in dealing with alcohol or substance use.