Claro Past Issue, Fall '12-Spring '13


Elephant Revival: Secrets of Connection, by Elizabeth Linton
In detailing her experience at an Indie Bluegrass concert, Linton gets at the heart of the band Elephant Revival's intentions in their song, "Sing To The Mountain."

Oil Shale Mining: Should We or Shouldn't We?, by Johanna Cramer
Cramer weighs the environmental detriments versus the economic benefits of oil-shale mining, focusing somewhat on the industry here in Colorado.

The Dark Knight Falls, by Madison Callahan
Being in the Century theater during the mass shooting on July 20, 2012 changed the author's basic self-conception, as she explains in this bracing account.

America's Moral Struggle: Intervening in Uganda, by Matthew Lovely
Lovely examines the controversy over the Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video, and asks us to consider whether American involvement in Uganda is necessary and justified, and if so, to what degree and on which fronts?

Physicians' Responsibility and Patient Autonomy: Must One Come at the Expense of the Other?
by Sandra O'Brien
By examining relevant case studies and informed opinions on both sides of the divide, O'Brien seeks common ground between doctors' and patients' perspectives on treatment, and imagines a world in which both groups work together as a team to promote maximum health. Please click here for O'Brien's web article on the same topic.

see next link for Sandra O’Brien’s related web article

Does Doctor Always Know Best?, by Sandra Kathleen O’Brien

Equine-Assisted Therapy: Equine Talent or Magical Properties? by Stacy McElvaney
Writing from the perspective of the horse, <insert name here> creatively showcases the effects of equine therapy on at-risk youth, and argues, implicitly, for more funding and support for such programs.

Blue Moon: An Evaluation of Web Domains, by Stephanie Kleewein
All is not equal on the Internet, as the author asserts in her analysis of three major domains (.org, .com, and .gov.) and the way they each treat the topic, "blue moon."

Anti-Drug Advertisement Strategy: Targeting with Fear, by Thadd Replogle
Replogle conducts a rhetorical analysis of the advertisement, "Regret: the Anti-Drug," effectively determining the ad's target audience and its dominant appeal to our instinctual fears.

Nuts & Bolts, by Thomas Carter
Carter examines the debate over "clean" versus accessible (bolted) climbing, discussing key figures in climbing (historical and current) and leading us through many of his favorite Colorado climbs along the way.

Dancing with Tigers: Good for the Heart, Good for the Soul, by Philip Oldham
In a simple series of images of Calvin and Hobbes dancing, Oldham sees the archetypal joy of youth and an exhortation for us to accept an invitation to play as an anecdote to adult cynicism and mundanity.

Discrimination, by Zac Champion
Champion explains how we can end discrimination using Prezi, the new-age PowerPoint.

Video Content: Website Only

Finding My Way by Marcella Atencio
In this video fable, Atencio takes us on her journey through the woods, from darkness to light. Finding her voice allows her to help others do the same.

Amanda's Story, by Amanda Barrett
Being diagnosed with Wilson's disease after a prolonged and painful period of misdiagnosis only gave Barrett more gratitude for her life and faith in its progression.

"Bullying Runs Deep," by Chris Gerlach
Gerlach interweaves her own narrative as a victim of bullying with reflections on the Columbine shooting. A former substitute teacher at Columbine, she looks beyond the portrait of Eric and Dylan as shooters, viewing them as victims of bullying, too. Gerlach urges us to speak for the victims of bullying.

Dachau Pictured, by Lisa Kautz
In this photojournalistic account of Dachau, Kautz asks us to look, really look, at the realities of the concentration camp, which has now been turned into a living memorial.

Claro welcomes volunteer editors and reviewers. Contact the editor if you're interested in participating, especially if you’re an instructor in the sciences!