Integrated Pathway to a B.S. in Nursing

Informational session:

When 2/22/2023

Time: 06:00 pm to 07:00 pm

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Meeting ID: 981 4654 2347

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Information Session PDF presentation

Red Rocks Community College and the University of Colorado’s College of Nursing offer a unique, integrated pathway to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. The Integrated Nursing Pathway (INP) program provides outstanding preparation for professional nursing practice. Designed to increase access for community college students to a B.S.N. degree, it emphasizes the value of a diverse student population. This program serves to achieve excellence in practice that is reflective of the cultural diversity of health care recipients.

  • Students will learn, study, and support each other throughout the program as a cohort group.
  • Expert faculty and staff will be available to offer ongoing support and provide the best learning opportunities for successful completion.
  • Students will complete their first year in the Integrated Nursing program at the new, state-of-the-art Arvada Campus.
  • Students are required to successfully complete specific prerequisite courses in preparation for application to the Integrated Nursing Pathway program.
  • Students must maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.0 overall for the prerequisite coursework.
  • The minimum acceptable grade for prerequisite courses is a "C" (overall prerequisite GPA must be at least 3.0).
  • An overall 3.0 grade point average of 3.0 for all college coursework is strongly encouraged.
  • 15 students are accepted each year. The program starts in the Fall semester. Applications are due January 1-March 31 for the following Fall start.
  • Selection will be based on prerequisite GPA, overall GPA (based on all previous course attempts completed at regionally accredited institutions, regardless of year), personal statement (essays) on the application, two references (one academic is required), interview, taking coursework in the Colorado Community College system and Colorado residency at time of application. Number of required INP program courses taken is also considered (we do not recommend applicants take courses beyond the nine required INP prerequisites).

Not open to students who have an RN, LPN, PSY Tech or any bachelor degree.

2018 cohort group photo