Meet Jeff


I will be graduating from RRCC with an AA in General Studies as well as an AAS as a Computer Support Technician.


What made you decide to go to college/RRCC?

I came to college because I needed to change my life. I’ve never had the things that other people are used to having - a family, a home, or an outlook for the future. I figured that getting educated would be the best first step to take in that direction. I enrolled in the College Gateway program, and that’s how I ended up at RRCC.


What are your career plans for the future?

I want to repair hardware and software problems on computers and operate my own business.


What is your favorite thing about RRCC?

I have a number of favorite things. The people are great, polite, and helpful. The services are great, especially tutoring, advising, the food bank, the foundation office, and all of the opportunities available for those who are willing to work for them.


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Watch a video of Jeff's story.