Meet Rudy

"I am a second year student here at Red Rocks Community college and this is my return to college after about twenty years. I didn’t do well academically in high school, but I currently hold a 3.93 GPA and I am a member of PHI THETA KAPPA. My dad died when I was about three years old. He was honorably discharged after being injured in the Vietnam War. He also had P.T.S.D. and was exposed to Agent Orange. He died soon after.


Life got tough for me at about the time I got into high school. My mom could no longer take care of me and I went to live with my handicapped uncle at my grandpa’s old house. Because of my dad’s VA status I received money at the age of nineteen until I turned twenty. I was more than grateful for the money I received because it helped me to finish high school and begin my college education. I had to stop my education due to a lack of funds. The best advice I have for new students is to stay in school and find all resources available, because sometimes it’s impossible to go back.


Since I began school here, my education has made a huge impact on my life. I never thought that I would be in the honor society, but I am a hard working person that is determined to go all the way in school. I have always been passionate about learning the electrical and automotive trades. I plan to get two degrees here at Red Rocks and transfer to a four year college."




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