Header Information
- Banner Org code is not provided. Please confirm this code with your supervisor.
- Date of Voucher is left blank. Please enter date of last mileage or date prepared.
- Primary Work Location left blank. Please indicate which RRCC campus or other address as approved by a supervisor.
- Travel Authorization RR# not filled in (only required for overnight stays).
Body of Document
- Mileage must be based on actual travel routes and not start or end with RRCC unless that was the actual route.
- The dates are not entered and/or in the wrong format. Dates must be entered for the mileagerates to appear and the auto calculations to work. The date should be entered with slashes (/) or dashes (-) mm/dd/yy but not with periods (.). When entered correctly, and after hitting tab or enter, the applicable rate will appear.
- Form used doesn’t include latest mileage rate and shows as “update”. Be sure to use the newest form. .
- Commuting mileage is entered as a positive number rather than a negative number (ex: -1).
- The starting and ending locations per day are not provided. This should either be your home orRed Rocks Community College/Regular Work Location. You can record these locations in the description as “Home”, “RRCC Lakewood”, RRCC Arvada”, “Home Office”, etc. instead of theactual addresses to save room within the description field (unless you’re paid by a grant that requires the full addresses listed).
- Commuting mileage backup (mileage verification or letter of regular work location if not RRCC)is not submitted with each voucher.
- The proof of mileage backup should come from MapQuest, Rand McNally or Google Maps, andproof of the source (website address on the bottom of the page and/or logo of source) should appear on the back up. An image of the map is not required but driving directions with mileage is required for verification.
- Mileage may be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number as long as it is applied consistently.
Signature Section
- Please be certain you read and understand wording in Certification area to prevent improperreimbursement or approval!
- The traveler must sign and then 2 of the 3 approvals are required. Approvals must be by separate people. Please route accordingly.
- AdobeSign documents must include the audit trail showing the routing and approvals of the various parties.
- I have read and understood the Certification area.
- All documents and forms are turned in within 60 days of travel, ideally within 30 days.
- All forms are filled out in their entirety.
- Banner Org (department or project incurring the cost) is listed on form.
- There is a date on the voucher.
- The date is entered correctly (MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY).
- I provided my primary work location.
- If this is Overnight travel, there is a travel authorization number (RR#) on the form.
- I listed the trip as taken with the correct starting and ending locations which is either from home or from primary work.
- I subtracted normal commuting mileage when starting from or returning to my home address unless I have attached my exempt form.
- I am attaching proof of mileage using MapQuest, Rand McNally, or Google Maps.
- I have attached receipts for any parking or other costs exceeding $25.
- My forms have three unique original, ink signatures OR I used ADOBE sign and included the audit page.
- If the form is showing “update” in the mileage rate, I will download a new form from RRCC.edu Travel page to ensure I am using the correct reimbursement rate. The form is updated every 6 months in January and July.
Official Function Approval Form
Official Function Frequently Asked Questions new FAQ coming soon
Internal Catering Request Form
Official Function Flow Chart updated flow chart coming soon
Domestic Airline Travel Questionnaire
Foreign Airline Travel Questionnaire
Overnight Travel - Getting Started
The following forms are found on our Portal (The Rock) on the Employee Forms Card
- Travel Expenses Voucher
- Travel Advance Request
- Overnight Travel Request & Authorization
Please use the following information as guidance.
Interdepartmental Invoice/Transfer Authorization
Email: travel@rrcc.edu
Joely Krattli - Travel Coordinator
Judy Luhman - Assistant Controller / Travel
Business Services General Mailboxes
Accounts Payable - rrcc.acctspayable@rrcc.edu
Contracts - contracts@rrcc.edu
Fixed Assets - rrcc.fixedassets@rrcc.edu
Grants - rrcc.grants@rrcc.edu
IDIs - rrcc.idi@rrcc.edu
Travel - travel@rrcc.edu
PCard - rrcc.pcard@rrcc.edu
Purchase Orders - purchaseorders@rrcc.edu