Red Rocks Community College offers more than 150 programs and 650 courses leading to two-year degrees or professional certificates and can save you thousands of dollars by transferring to a four-year school upon completion. Red Rocks has campuses in Lakewood and Arvada.
Courses are delivered in formats from traditional classroom to online to self-paced and weekend classes. Click here for a full list of programs offered at Red Rocks Community College. See the College Bound section below to learn more about how to get started.
About Us
The High School Relations office provides advice and guidance on college courses you can take during high school, fifth year and ASCENT.
Earn College Credits Now!
The Concurrent Enrollment/ASCENT Programs are great opportunities to receive college and high school credit at the same time. Courses are taught in the high school classroom or on the Red Rocks Community College campuses. See the Concurrent Enrollment section below to learn more.
We look forward to serving you!
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Room 1008
Complete the Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with your high school counselor and parents.
The ASCENT (Accelerating Students through Concurrent Enrollment) Program
ASCENT is a fifth-year high school program that allows students to enroll at a community college as a full-time student for one academic year (fall and spring semester) after 12th grade. Students will enroll in college courses at no tuition cost to the student (or their families). Additional costs, such as textbooks and student fees may or may not be covered by the school district. Talk with your high school counselor or school district ASCENT coordinator to learn more.
More information about the ASCENT program can be found at the Colorado Department of Education ASCENT page.
The TREP (Teacher Recruitment Education & Preparation) Program
The TREP program creates opportunities for qualified students in educator career pathways to enroll at a community college as a full-time student for two academic years (fall and spring semesters) after 12th grade. Students will enroll in college courses at no tuition cost to the student (or their families). Additional costs, such as textbooks and student fees may or may not be covered by the school district. Talk with your high school counselor or school district TREP coordinator to learn more.
More information about the TREP Program can be found at the Colorado Department of Education Trep page.
The Benefits:
- Take college coursework immediately following your senior year of high school
- Tuition paid by your school district
- Earn an Associate’s Degree or transfer your credits to a four-year college
To get started, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Meet the eligibility requirements
- Talk with your home high school counselor to see if you are eligible to participate in ASCENT
- Meet all high school district graduation requirements
- Complete 9 college credits by senior year of high school
- Have your nomination submitted to your school district by school district specific deadline (typically between November-March of senior year)
- Be at college level in English and Math (These are the minimum score requirements-higher level math prerequisites will vary).
- Talk with your home high school counselor to see if you are eligible to participate in TREP
- Student is following the Teacher Career Pathway and on schedule to complete one college course and/or experiences within the Teacher Career Pathway by senior year of high school.
- Enrolls in college courses specified in the Teaching career Pathway
- Meet all high school district graduation requirements
- Have your nomination submitted to your school district by school district specific deadline (typically between November-March of senior year)
- Be at college level in English and Math (These are the minimum score requirements-higher level math prerequisites will vary).
Minimum placement score requirements:
- English - 18
- Math - 19
- Verbal - 470
- Math - 500
- Writing - NGW:246
- Math - NGQA:265
Step 2: Fill out the applications and ASCENT/TREP Agreement
1. Complete the free Red Rocks Community College application for admission and the College Opportunity Fund applications. Click here to start your application.
- Please note: You may already have a RRCC account established if you registered for Concurrent Enrollment credits through your high school. You can call (303) 914-6600 to get your student ID number.
2. Complete the RRCC Campus Select Contract
- Please note: You may be required to complete and submit a school district issued ASCENT/TREP Agreement.
Step 3: Complete the Required College Overview (Online)
- Online: Learn at your own pace by completing the Required College Overview! Follow the steps below for instructions on how to access this online information:
- Log on to The Rock with your S#
- Your temporary password is Student followed by your date of birth: StudentMMDDYYYY
- Click on “Required College Overview” at the bottom of the page
Step 4: Complete the assessment process
- Complete Academic Assessment by submitting your ACT/SAT scores, taking the Accuplacer Assessment test or completing self-guided assessments for English and/or math.
- Click here for testing information.
- Contact the Assessment Center to determine if your scores have already been submitted to the college:
- You can submit your ACT or SAT scores to:
Step 5: Complete the FAFSA application for federal student aid
- Fill out a FAFSA application at the Federal Student Aid site.
- Determine the amount of grants and scholarships (no loans) you may be eligible for.
- Visit the Red Rocks Financial Aid page to learn more about financial aid.
- ASCENT students will have the option to accept ASCENT or financial aid depending on which option is most beneficial.
Step 6: Visit with a Red Rocks Pathway Advisor each semester
- Meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss your degree pathway and plan out your classes each semester, starting with the fall semester immediately following high school graduation.
- TREP students will also be required to meet with the Teacher Education/Early Childhood Education Department Program Advisor to mentoring and advising.
- Be sure to have official college transcripts from other colleges or AP score reports sent to RRCC so you can get credit for all your college credits!
Warren Tech ASCENT Students:
1. Meet with your Warren Tech Instructor to determine what Warren Tech classes to enroll in each semester.
2. Meet with the Warren Tech Adult Program Coordinator in the RRCC Admissions Office for assistance with online registration:
3. Meet with a RRCC advisor to determine what general education courses you should also enroll in each semester. You are required to enroll in a minimum of 12 college credits each semester.
How to schedule an appointment with a RRCC Advisor
Log into Navigate or call the Advising Front Desk at: (303) 914-6275
Watch this short video on how to schedule an appointment in Navigate.
Step 7: View your declared major and make sure it's correct
- Log into The Rock portal and view your Degree Check which is listed under the "Student Advising" card or work with a pathway advisor to make sure you have the correct major declared.
- You can update your major on The Rock on the "My Student Stuff" card "Change my Declared Degree program". The deadline to update your program of study is the posted census date for each semester.
Step 8: Visit with a Concurrent Enrollment Office representative to submit paperwork and complete registration
- Meet with a representative in the Concurrent Enrollment Office to submit required paperwork and for assistance with registration and next steps after registration.
- We will hold a mandatory orientation for you attend prior to the start of your first semester and strongly encourage you to attend.
- We're your "RRCC homebase" and we'd love to meet you and see how we can help ensure your success!
Class Registration
Please note some school district notification on ASCENT selections may not be received until June. Students may register for classes online prior to acceptance into the ASCENT Program, but will be responsible for all tuition and fees until official acceptance is received.
Register for classes online through Navigate or The Rock.
Watch this short video on how to register for classes in Navigate.
Student Checklist
It is never too early to start thinking about college. Start here to find everything you’ll need to begin planning your college career.
The Senior Send-Off Presentation is a presentation on how to make your transition from high school to college seamless!
Explore Our Programs
Whether you are pursuing a degree in a high-demand field or laying the groundwork for a four-year school, Red Rocks Community College is the place for you. Over 15,000 students each year choose Red Rocks to start a path to higher learning. Red Rocks is an accredited, two year institution that delivers training in today’s most popular fields. Click here to learn more about our state-of-the-art programs.
Prepare for a Bachelor's Degree at RRCC
Nearly one third of RRCC students enroll here to prepare for success at a four-year university including Colorado School of Mines, Regis University, University of Colorado, Colorado State University and Metropolitan State University.
Click here to learn more about our transfer programs.
You are eligible to participate in the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree program, which ensures students attending RRCC are guaranteed admission to a participating four-year college or university upon completion of an Associates degree. You can read more about the program and participating four-year schools by clicking here: Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree Program
If you are still in high school, learn how to get dual credit for high school and college. This information can be found below in the Concurrent Enrollment Program area.
Apply for Financial Aid
All Red Rocks students are encouraged to apply for financial aid. The first step to receive financial aid is to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the appropriate academic year.
The process takes 6-8 weeks, so apply early! The results of the FAFSA application will help the Financial Aid Office at Red Rocks determine the type and amount of aid you will be eligible for. We must receive the results of this application before you will be considered for any federal or state financial aid.
- Apply online at the government Student Aid site using RRCC’s school code of 009543.
- Click here to learn more about financial aid.
- Financial Aid: (303) 914-6256 or
Scholarship Opportunities
Red Rocks Community College offers hundreds of scholarships through the Financial Aid and RRCC Foundation Offices.
We award about $500,000 each year in scholarships; many are designed for the high school graduate:
- High School Senior Achievement Scholarship - If you are graduating from high school early by the month of December, this scholarship is for you. It will cover up to 12 credits of tuition for the spring semester at Red Rocks.
- Community Leaders Scholarship - If you have community service experience and a G.P.A of 3.5 or higher you may qualify for this two-year, $8,000 scholarship.
- First Generation Scholarship - If you are the first in your family to attend college and have a G.P.A. of 2.25 or higher you may be eligible for this two-year scholarship that will cover 12 credits of tuition per semester.
- Red Rocks/Warren Tech Scholarship - If you have earned Red Rocks college credit through the Warren Tech Concurrent Enrollment Programs, talk with your Warren Tech high school counselor to learn more and apply.
Scholarship opportunities at RRCC
Your Success Starts Here
Simply fill out the free online application. You can apply any time; our semesters start in late August, mid-January and early June. There are also condensed courses and online classes that start throughout the year. When you’re ready, chances are there’s a class starting.
Getting started is easy, click here to apply now and view the New Student Checklist.
Already have a RRCC Account?
If you already have a RRCC account, you can continue using your student ID number (S#). You can contact us if you need help retrieving your S# or would like to make sure your account is still acvite: (303)914-6600
If you need to reactivate your RRCC account, you can do so by visiting the Apply Now page and navigating to the "Returning Student" section.
Declare your degree or certificate program/pathway
Ensure you have declared the degree or certificate you plan to pursue at RRCC. Your declared major will impact your financial aid eligibility and academic progress and will help connect you with the correct pathway advisor.
How to declare or change your major:
- Log onto The Rock Portal
- Navigate to the "My Student Stuff" card and click the link "Change my declared degree program"
Submit your high school transcript and test scores
Send RRCC a final high school transcript and copies of your SAT or ACT scores. RRCC can evaluate your transcript and scores and help determine where they place you in college courses.
If you took AP or IB classes/tests, you can have official score reports sent to RRCC for evaluation.
Email your transcript and score reports to:
Meet with a Pathway Advisor
For a successful start, visit with one of our experienced advisors.
Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 or Friday 9:00-4:00.
Academic Advising: (303) 914-6255 or
How to schedule a Navigate appointment:
- Login to The Rock portal.
- Select the “Navigate” card
- Select “Appointments” in the left-hand column
- Click on “Schedule an Appointment”
- Select the department (care unit) you want to schedule an appointment with. If you are continuing in a Warren Tech Program as an adult student, contact Kristin Uhland in Enrollment Services at: (303) 914-6141 or
Continuing in a Warren Tech Program as an Adult Student?
Please visit our Warren Tech page for more information on becoming a Warren Tech Student.
Complete the Required College Overview (Online)
The mandatory required college overview is designed to provide recently-admitted students (both new and returning) with an introduction (or re-introduction) to Red Rocks Community College procedures, academic programs, and student services. You will be directed to the required college overview once you have completed the RRCC application.
If you are attending Red Rocks Community College for the first time and are confused by how college works, Red Rocks 101 is for you! The required college overview is designed to help new students start college out on the right track. You’ll be introduced to all that Red Rocks Community College has to offer, including 300+ degree and certificate programs, a variety of free student services, and plenty of opportunities to get involved on campus! For those students still taking Red Rocks classes on your high school campus, this orientation is not necessary. The orientation is found on The Rock portal on the "Required College Overview" card
Visit Us
Visiting the campus is the best way to see what we are all about. Campus tour information is found on the Campus Tours page.
Home-Schooled Students
Home-schooled students age 17 or older have an excellent opportunity to earn credit towards a college degree while completing secondary studies. Click here to enroll now.
Students 16 or under may be considered for underage admission by completing additional admissions requirements. Please visit the Credit Recovery Section below to view information regarding the Underage Waiver and learn more about the underage admission process.
Credit Recovery at RRCC
Do you need credits to earn your high school diploma? Information regarding the Credit Recovery can be seen below in the Credit Recovery Section of this page.
Appointments are available Monday-Friday 9 a.m-4 p.m. Appointments can be made through Navigate or by emailing:
The mission of the Red Rocks Community College Concurrent Enrollment program is to provide high school students, secondary district partners, and RRCC academic departments with the support and resources necessary for high school students to achieve post-secondary learning opportunities. We strive to empower students towards successful completion of college-level coursework, leading to seamless career and academic guided pathways.
Earn college credit while still in high school!
Whether you want to start college now or after you graduate from high school, check out Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) campuses in Lakewood and Arvada, Colorado.
High school students can take RRCC classes to earn college credit and credit toward high school graduation at the same time. RRCC has concurrent enrollment opportunities with school districts to provide college-level courses to high school students at no cost (some restrictions apply). Talk to your high school counselor to learn more.
See the section below to see a list of the courses offered at your high school.
Learn more about Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment Programs FAQs
The benefits of the Concurrent Enrollment & ASCENT Programs:
- Saves you out-of-pocket costs on classes that go toward RRCC degrees and certificates
- Increases your academic opportunities
- Ensures that you are better prepared for college when enrolled as a full-time student
- Seamless transfers to four-year colleges and universities in Colorado
College options:
- High School Select Concurrent Enrollment Program: Selected college courses are offered during the school day and taught by high school teachers who have been approved as college adjunct instructor members of RRCC.
See the section on this page regarding the earning of college credit while in high school to find out about RRCC classes taught at your high school.
- Campus Select Concurrent Enrollment Program: Courses on RRCC’s Lakewood and Arvada campuses allow you to take classes side-by-side with other college students.
See the section on this page regarding the earning of college credit on the RRCC Campus to find out about classes on one of the RRCC campuses.
- College Bound Students: If you are thinking about coming to Red Rocks Community College after high school and want to learn more about RRCC’s programs, talk with a representative, or to arrange for a campus tour, click here.
Important Facts about Concurrent Enrollment:
Participation in Concurrent Enrollment begins your college experience and permanent college transcript. In contrast to the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, where college credit is granted upon successful completion of a national examination and no record is kept on the student's college transcript if the exam is not passed, registration for concurrent enrollment constitutes a commitment to enter the final course grades on your permanent college record, regardless of the results. Furthermore, credit is earned by performance and participation throughout the course, rather than by an exit examination alone.
All Concurrent Enrollment grades are posted to an official college transcript, and a college GPA is established. This transcript becomes part of your permanent college record. Final grades will also appear on your high school transcript and must be identical to the grades posted on the college transcript.
Drops and Withdrawals
All schedule adjustments, such as drops and withdrawals, must be submitted in writing to the High School Relations Office. Drop and withdraw deadlines for Concurrent Enrollment courses are set by the college. You must abide by the deadlines, no exceptions.
Drop definition: If the dropped request is made before the drop deadline, no record of the course will appear on your college transcript and no tuition is charged.
Withdraw definition: After the drop deadline, a withdraw can be made before the withdraw deadline. A "W" grade will appear on your college transcript. Your college GPA will not be affected.
For semester drop and withdraw deadlines, click here to see the Academic Calendar or you may contact the High School Relations Office. Your Student Rights and Responsibilities as an RRCC Concurrent Enrollment student can be found in the Student Life Student Handbook on the Student Life homepage.
Click here to see what the Colorado Department of Education has accomplished to expand college access for high school students.
Concurrent Enrollment Course Offerings on Your High School Campus
Red Rocks Community College (RRCC) is pleased to offer academic and career based high school classes for college credit, taught in the high school classroom by high school instructors through the Concurrent Enrollment Program.
The credit earned is dual enrollment- college credit and high school credit towards graduation requirements and it’s FREE! If the course is successfully completed with a grade of “C” or higher, the school district will pay the tuition. The college credit earned will automatically be recorded on the student’s official college transcript.
Some courses that offer college credit require specific prerequisites. Prerequisites can be satisfied by either submitting qualifying ACT, SAT, Accuplacer, or other equivalent placement test scores or by taking the required course. All courses require instructor approval.
Hello and welcome! Due to COVID-19, we are serving students remotely.
We are happy to assist you! We are offering our services remotely by phone, email or Webex. You can contact us in one of the following ways and we’ll be happy to set something up with you.
We are available Monday-Friday from 9:00-5:00 PM
If meeting in person by appointment, please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
We look forward to serving you!
Do you need credits to complete high school? Jefferson County Public Schools has a variety of options for students who are in need of recovering graduation credit in order to receive their high school diploma.
Take the final step and cross the finish line by contacting the staff at the Jeffco Public Schools Student Engagement Office - Project Finish Line. Get more information about how to get those last few school credits to receive your diploma.
Once you have your high school diploma you’ll be ready to take on college coursework. In order to receive financial aid, students must have a high school diploma or GED. That’s a great reason to complete! Get the boost you need to succeed, earn more money, discover more opportunities, and live a better life.
For credit recovery outside of Jefferson County, please contact your school district for more information.
Welcome current Concurrent Enrollment Instructors! This webpage is intended to act as your one-stop-shop for all the information and resources you’ll need to be a successful Concurrent Enrollment instructor with Red Rocks Community College.
New Instructors
Thank you for your interest in becoming a RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Instructor! To start the academic approval process please complete the following steps:
- Coordinate with High School level administration.
- Receive approval from local district Concurrent Enrollment and Career & Technical Education (as applicable) office/coordinators.
- Review the CE Instructor Qualifications to ensure you meet all the hiring requirements.
- Review the required CCNS course learning outcomes and topical outlines.
- Submit electronic CE Instructor Application for RRCC Concurrent Enrollment.
- Fall Semester: March 15
- Spring Semester: October 15
CE Instructor Qualifications & Application
RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Instructors are expected to meet the same required qualifications as Faculty and Adjunct Instructors. See RRPR 3-291 Faculty Instructor Qualifications Procedure - Appendix A for a specific list of qualifications for each discipline/program.
Application Deadline:
- Fall Semester: March 15
- Spring Semester: October 15
Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways Courses:
GT Pathways Courses, in which the student earns a C or higher, will always transfer and apply to GT Pathways requirements in AA, AS and most bachelor's degrees at every public Colorado college and university. GT Pathways does not apply to some degrees (such as many engineering, computer science, nursing and others listed here).
A faculty member or instructor must hold a master’s degree in the program of study of the discipline or subfield in which they teach. If the general education applicant holds a degree in a discipline other than the one proposed for teaching, then the chair or dean of the program will do a close review of the transcript to verify at least 18 (eighteen) graduate credit hours, relevant to the field or subfield.
Required Application Materials:
- Resume
- References
- Copies of transcripts, unofficial preferred
- Copy of Secondary Teaching Credential
- Copies of additional credentials, if applicable.
GT Concurrent Enrollment Application
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Courses:
CTE courses leverage the workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality CTE experiences leading to lifelong career success. Under the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education (SBCCOE) board rules governing credentialing, all secondary instructors who teach in a Colorado Community College System (CCCS) approved program must hold a valid credential.
At the post-secondary level, CRS 23-60-304 indicates postsecondary CTE instructors must hold a valid credential. A credential ensures that the CTE program provides students with well qualified instructors possessing appropriate occupational and educational experience.
Occupational experience is required for all CTE positions held within the last 7 years (5 years for the health science programs) related to the field in which you are applying to teach.
- An applicant with a related Bachelor's degree or higher - 2,000 hours
- An applicant with a related Associate's degree or Industry license, certification or at the minimum a high school diploma - 4,000 hours
- Health areas must provide 4,000 occupational hours regardless of the degree they hold
- Some CTE courses will require additional instructor certifications (i.e. CPR, OSHA, etc.)
Required Application Materials:
- Resume
- References
- Copies of transcripts, unofficial preferred
- CTE Cover Sheet
- CTE Post-Secondary Application
- General OEV OR Self-Employed OEV
- Copy of Secondary Teaching Credential
- Copies of additional credentials, if applicable.
CTE Concurrent Enrollment Application
Your submitted application and documents will be submitted to the RRCC department chair/lead for review. After review by the department chair/dean, the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager will notify you of the decision regarding your application to offer C.E. at your high school. If denied, RRCC will provide information on steps instructors can take if they want to reapply in the future such as additional coursework or specific occupational experience.
Approved Instructors
- Complete RRCC HR paperwork to receive RRCC email address and employee S# to access the web portal “The Rock”
- Schedule a meeting with your RRCC CE Department Chair/Lead after instructor qualification approval to discuss requirements for course curriculum, syllabus, materials, and equipment.
- View Concurrent Enrollment Statement of Standards: RRCC Instructor Guidelines
- Use the RRCC course syllabi verbatim or map your high school syllabi with RRCC's with approval from RRCC chair/lead. Syllabi Resources: Accessible syllabi template
- Upload course syllabi to your D2L course shell to reflect RRCC competencies and requirements. (Instructors may also be required to provide additional materials and/or use RRCC exams to ensure consistency).
- Distribute RRCC syllabus to students.
- Check your rosters once registration is complete and sign your Roster Verification Form via Adobe Sign by using your RRCC issued email.
- Schedule yearly classroom observation with RRCC CE Liaison.
- Have students submit Student Observations of Instruction (SOIs).
- Attend annual CE professional development (Mid-Spring Semester)
- All CE instructors are expected to respond within 48-72 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) to their RRCC department chairs/department liaison communications.
- Submit final grades into the RRCC Banner system (through The Rock portal using your S#) 48 hours after the last class date.
Course Offerings
- Review CCCS Common Course Number System (CCNS) to align coursework: CCCS course alignment Only courses in the current RRCC catalog will be considered for approval.
- RRCC CE Liaison must approve the following before the course may be offered to ensure alignment with campus based RRCC courses.
- Class has been reviewed and matches a Common Course in CCCNS and RRCC’s catalog.
- Course syllabus has been reviewed.
- Course assignments, tests, and papers are at the same level, rigor, relevance, and depth as those in campus-based courses.
- Textbook and course materials have been reviewed and are appropriate for use in teaching the college course.
- The instructional facilities, including laboratory, studio, and technology facilities have been reviewed and are comparable to campus-based facilities.
Participation/enrollment requirements: Red Rocks Community College requires Concurrent Enrollment classes to have the following minimum participation percentages. Lack of participation may result in class cancellations.
- Career Technical Education (CTE) courses: 50% of students enrolled
- Guaranteed Transfer (GT) courses: 80% of students enrolled
- Courses with RRCC Instructors, require the use of Desire2Learn (D2L) all and math courses: 100% of students enrolled
- Encourage your students to take advantage of Concurrent Enrollment program opportunities!
Annual re-approval for Concurrent Enrollment Courses: Each academic year, RRCC Department chairs/leads will review your course offerings for re-approval. Please communicate any curriculum changes or new course requests to your RRCC department chair/lead and the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager by the academic approval deadlines.
Academic Approval Request Deadlines:
- Fall Semester: April 1
- Spring Semester: November 1
Instructor Resources
- Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Checklist
- 2024-2025 Important RRCC Dates to Remember
- 2023-2024 RRCC Department Chair/Dean Contact List
- Accessible Syllabus Template
- RRCC Instructor Guidelines
Videos and Tutorials
- Desire2Learn (D2L) Presentation: Former Dean of Instructional Technology, Jon Jonson, provides a tutorial on Desire2Learn (D2L), RRCC's online learning management system.
- RRCC Grade Posting Tutorial: Tutorial and step-by-step instructions on how to post RRCC final grades on The Rock student portal.
- C.E. Instructor Essentials Presentation : Instructor onboarding and retaining video goes over all the essential information to be a successful Concurrent Enrollment RRCC Instructor
- Accreditation and Concurrent Enrollment Presentation: Presentation on Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation and Concurrent Enrollment.
RRCC Supports
RRCC Department Chair/Department Liaison: RRCC Department Chairs/Department Liaisons will provide the following support to assist in the development of your course.
- Sample Syllabi
- Additional course material lists
- Textbook samples (when available)
- Classroom observation/feedback
- Prompt responses to any course-related questions
RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Office
- Semester check-ins with Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager
- Support with roster reviews, withdraws and grade postings
- Frequent updates college policies and procedures
- Reminders of important deadlines
- Management of Student Opinions of Instruction (SOI’s)
- Provide professional development opportunities
- Assist students with RRCC registration process
We look forward to serving you!
Appointments are available Monday-Friday 9 a.m-4 p.m. Appointments can be made through Navigate or by emailing:
You may be able to take college classes without leaving your high school... and at no cost!
Selected academic and career based high school classes are offered for Red Rocks Community College credit with the tuition paid by the school district. The courses are taught during the school day in the high school classroom by RRCC qualified high school instructors. The credit earned is for dual enrollment - college and high school credit towards high school graduation requirements.
See the section on this page to see a list of available courses at your school.
The Benefits
- Tuition is paid for by your school district
If the course is successfully completed with a grade of C or better, the school district will pay the cost of your tuition. - Classes held on your high school campus
Your RRCC qualified high school teacher will offer you the college course in your high school classroom. - Get a head start on your college career
The coursework earned can be applied to a degree or certificate program. - Begin your Red Rocks official college transcript
The credit earned will automatically be recorded on your Red Rocks official transcript permanently.
Watch the Concurrent Enrollment Video here
Steps to get started:
Step 1: APPLY
Click here for steps on becoming a Red Rocks Community College student
You will need:
• Your social security number
• Residency information for your parent or legal guardian
Be sure to:
• Enter your social security number and information correctly
• Say YES to create the College Opportunity Fund Application on your behalf. Otherwise you will need to complete the separate application.
Click here to download detailed application instructions and a worksheet
Click Here (link is external) to watch a video tutorial on how to complete the RRCC online application as a Concurrent Enrollment student
Step 2: TEST
Some Academic classes that offer college credit require a specific score.
Click here to view the list of required test scores
Click here for more information on placement options
If you are enrolled in a class that has a prerequisite, assessment can be accomplished in any of the following ways:
- Submitting a copy of your qualifying SAT, PSAT, ACT scores or meeting high school exemptions
- Taking the free academic placement test with Red Rocks Community College
ACCUPLACER testing will be on the RRCC Campus by appointment. You can email: to schedule an appointment
Visit the Red Rocks Community College Assessment Center to learn more about placement testing and options and to find study guides.
- You will first need to complete the Red Rocks online application to obtain a RRCC student ID number.
- You will need to present a photo ID to test (current high school ID's accepted).
- The first test is free. Retests are $25 each
Self-Guided Assessments Self-Guided Assessments are another option to satisfy prerequisites. You can learn more at:
To take Self-Guided Assessments, you will need your RRCC Student ID number
English self-guided assessment
For all students who need to place into college level English
College Algebra self-guided assessment
For students who are on a STEM pathway and want to place into College Algebra (MAT 1340)
Liberal Arts Math self-guided assessment
For students who are on a non STEM pathway and want to place into Math for Liberal Arts (MAT 1240), Introduction to Statistics (MAT 1260) or Career Math (MAT 1140)
Please allow 2 business days to process self-guided assessments
Submit the required Concurrent Enrollment Agreement provided by your high school/school district
You will need:
* Your Red Rocks student ID
* A signature (digital) from you and your parent or legal guardian.
* The Concurrent Enrollment Agreement is required to register- it is your official request to enroll in college courses.
Participation/enrollment requirements:
Red Rocks Community College requires Concurrent Enrollment classes to have the following minimum participation percentages. Lack of participation may result in class cancellations.
* Career Technical Education (CTE) courses: 50% of students enrolled
* Guaranteed Transfer (GT) courses: 80% of students enrolled
* Courses with RRCC Instructors: 100% of students enrolled
* Courses that require the use of Desire2Learn (D2L): 100% of students enrolled
* All and math courses: 100% of students enrolled
* Be sure to take advantage of the great Concurrent Enrollment program opportunities!
Appointments are available Monday-Friday 9 a.m-4 p.m. Appointments can be made through Navigate or by emailing:
You may be able to take college classes without leaving your high school... and at no cost!
Selected academic and career based high school classes are offered for Red Rocks Community College credit with the tuition paid by the school district. The courses are taught during the school day in the high school classroom by RRCC qualified high school instructors. The credit earned is for dual enrollment - college and high school credit towards high school graduation requirements.
Click here to see a list of the courses offered at your high school.
The Benefits
- Tuition is paid for by your school district
If the course is successfully completed with a grade of C or better, the school district will pay the cost of your tuition. - Classes held on your high school campus
Your RRCC qualified high school teacher will offer you the college course in your high school classroom. - Get a head start on your college career
The coursework earned can be applied to a degree or certificate program. - Begin your Red Rocks official college transcript
The credit earned will automatically be recorded on your Red Rocks official transcript permanently.
Spring 2025 Red Rocks Community College Registration
All School Districts:
Students will complete applications, self-assessments (if needed) and Concurrent Enrollment agreements online.
Representatives from your school district and RRCC will assist students through the enrollment process in person, virtually or on a individual basis.
Warren Tech Central, North and South
Students will complete applications, self-assessments (if needed) and Concurrent Enrollment Agreements online.
Representatives from your school district, Warren Tech and RRCC will assist students through the enrollment process in-person, virtually or on a individual basis.
Completed RRCC Applications and Concurrent Enrollment Agreements must be submitted in order to earn college credit by the fall enrollment deadline. Please note, both the RRCC application and Concurrent Enrollment Agreement are considered your official request to register for college credit. College credits earned will be permanentally recorded on the college transcript and will impact the college G.P.A.
Spring 2025 Registration Deadline: February 5, 2025
Click here to see a list of the courses offered at your high school.
Important Facts about Concurrent Enrollment:
Participation in Concurrent Enrollment begins your college experience and permanent college transcript. In contrast to the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, where college credit is granted upon successful completion of a national examination and no record is kept on the student's college transcript if the exam is not passed, registration for concurrent enrollment constitutes a commitment to enter the final course grades on your permanent college record, regardless of the results. Furthermore, credit is earned by performance and participation throughout the course, rather than by an exit examination alone.
All Concurrent Enrollment grades are posted to an official college transcript, and a college GPA is established. This transcript becomes part of your permanent college record. Final grades will also appear on your high school transcript and must be identical to the grades posted on the college transcript.
Drops and Withdrawals
All schedule adjustments, such as drops and withdrawals, must be submitted in writing to the High School Relations Office. Drop and withdraw deadlines for Concurrent Enrollment courses are set by the college. You must abide by the deadlines-no exceptions.
Drop definition: If the dropped request is made before the drop deadline, no record of the course will appear on your college transcript and no tuition is charged.
Withdraw definition: After the drop deadline, a withdraw can be made before the withdraw deadline. A "W" grade will appear on your college transcript. Your college GPA will not be affected.
For semester drop and withdraw deadlines, click here to see the Academic Calendar (link is external) or you may contact the High School Relations Office.
Click Here to learn more about grade implications for Concurrent Enrollment Students
4. Important Dates
Spring 2025:
September 4, 2024: Fall 2024 registration deadline
September 4, 2024: Fall 2024 drop deadline
November 14, 2024: Last day to withdraw from fall 2024 RRCC classes
Spring 2025:
February 5, 2025: Spring 2025 registration deadline
February 5, 2025: Spring 2025 drop deadline
April 17, 2025: Last day to withdraw from spring 2025 RRCC classes
Drop definition: If the dropped request is made before the drop deadline, no record of the course will appear on your college transcript and no tuition is charged.
Drop definition: If the dropped request is made before the drop deadline, no record of the course will appear on your college transcript and no tuition is charged.
Withdraw definition: After the drop deadline, a withdraw can be made before the withdraw deadline. A "W" grade will appear on your college transcript. Your college GPA will not be affected.
You can Reach EVEN Higher by taking courses for both high school and college credit on our Lakewood and Arvada campuses through the Concurrent Enrollment program. Choose from several different courses and schedule options that fit your individual needs. If you are approved to participate, most school districts cover cost of tuition only and student is responsible for fees and textbooks (verify with your high school counselor).
The Benefits
- Get the college experience
Attend classes on the Red Rocks college campus in Lakewood or Arvada. Classroom sizes average 15-30 students. - Satisfy your high school graduation requirements
The college credit earned may be applied to your high school graduation requirements with approval from your high school counselor. - Get a head start on your college career
Work towards a degree or certificate and your high school graduation requirements.
Click here for a list of our programs. - Work towards your bachelor’s degree now
Finish your two-year degree at RRCC and transfer your college credits to a four-year university.
Click here to learn more about transfer opportunity.
Signing up for Concurrent Enrollment is easy.
Talk with your high school counselor.
- Talk with your high school counselor to determine if you are eligible to participate in Concurrent Enrollment.
Fill out the required paperwork.
- Complete the Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with your high school counselor and parents.
- Click here to fill out the electronic Concurrent Enrollment College Agreement
- Read and sign the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement with a parent. Students under 18 years old must include a parent signature and social security number.
- Click here to download the Student Finanical Responsibility Agreement form.
- Read and sign the Concurrent Enrollment Underage Parent/Student On Campus Consent. Required for students under 17 years old.
- Click here to download the Concurrent Enrollment Underage Parent/Student On Campus Consent.
Complete the applications.
- Complete the free Red Rocks Community College and College Opportunity Fund Applications.
- Click here to start your application.
- Click here to watch a video tutorial on how to complete the RRCC application.
- Be sure to say "Yes" when asked if you would like to create a College Opportunity Fund application when signing your application.
Complete online orientation.
- Complete the online orientation by logging into The Rock and clicking on the Student Tab. *Your temporary password the first time logging into The Rock will be StudentMMDDYYYY (the word 'Student', followed by our date of birth).
- Click here for step-by-step instructions on accessing the orientation.
Complete academic testing requirements (if applicable)
You can satisfy academic course requirements in any of the following ways:
- Submit your SAT or ACT scores for review and placement to:
- Self-Guided Assessment for math and/or English
Self-Guided Assessments are another option to satisfy prerequisites. You can learn more on the RRCC Assessment page.
To take Self-Guided Assessments, you will need your RRCC Student ID number
- English self-guided assessment
- For all students who need to place into college level English
- College Algebra self-guided assessment
- For students who are on a STEM pathway and want to place into College Algebra (MAT 1340)
- Liberal Arts Math self-guided assessment
- For students who are on a non STEM pathway and want to place into Math for Liberal Arts (MAT 1240), Introduction to Statistics (MAT 1260) or Career Math (MAT 1140)
Please allow 2 business days to process self-guided assessments
- Take the Accuplacer Assessment Test
- Testing is offered on the RRCC Campus by appointment Monday-Thursday 9:00-4:00. Email: to schedule an appointment.
- Remote Accuplacer testing is offered on a case-by-case basis.
- The first placement test attempt is free, retests are $25 each.
Click here for testing information.
Visit the Red Rocks Concurrent Enrollment Office.
- Meet with a concurrent enrollment navigator to submit your paperwork, discuss your scores, and register for courses online.
- Please contact our office or schedule an appointment through Navigate.
- Click here to watch a tutorial video on how to schedule an appointment through Navigate.
- One you are registered for classes, it will be time to prepare for the start of the semester! Click here to download the Next Steps checklist
Underage Student Waiver of Admission Requirements
Students under the age of 17 years old who are not participating in the Concurrent Enrollment Program with a Colorado public high school district must request a Waiver of Admission Requirements for Underage Students.
Please visit the Underage Enrollment section for more information on the Underage Waiver requirements.
Concurrent Enrollment Program Forms and Guidelines:
Campus Select Contract
Concurrent Enrollment Agreement (This is a district form)
Earn College Credit at Red Rocks Checklist
Written Application Instructions
Application Video Tutorial
If you plan to take classes at Red Rocks, this checklist will help you through all the steps of admission and registration.
Spring 2024 Registration Guide
Registration guide for Campus Select Concurrent Enrollment students
Earn College Credit at Your High School Campus Checklist Fall
If you plan to take college level coursework offered at your high school, this checklist will help you through the required admission and registration steps.
ASCENT Program Forms:
ASCENT Checklist
If you are participating in the ASCENT Program, this checklist will help you through the required admission and registration steps.
ASCENT Agreement and Registration Form (This is a district form)
This form is required for the ASCENT Program with tuition paid by your school district each semester. This form must be signed by all required signatures before being submitted.
Underage Admission Requests:
Underage Waiver for Admissions
Students under the age of 17 who are not participating in the Concurrent Enrollment Program with a high school district must request a Waiver for Admissions Requirements for Underage Students. This form includes a list of requirements, instructions and the Waiver Request Form.
Underage Student and Parent Consent Form
Students under the age of 17 years old should review, sign and submit this document each semester of attendance until 17 years old.
RRCC Student Financial Responsibility Agreement
All students must submit a completed and signed Student Financial Responsibility Agreement each semester. Students under the age of 18 years old will be required to sign with a parent or guardian and provide parent/guardian's signature and social security number. Registration in RRCC courses cannot be completed until the signed agreement form is submitted.
RRCC Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Form
RRCC Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Form (Español)
Placement Testing (Accuplacer, ACT, and SAT) Resources and Guidelines:
Test Score Requirements
All Concurrent Enrollment students are required to participate in assessment by taking the RRCC placement test or by submitting ACT or SAT scores before registration. Some Academic courses offered on the high school campuses require specific minimum scores which you can find on this list.
College Opportunity Fund Forms and Guidelines:
College Opportunity Fund Application
If a Concurrent Enrollment student does not have a social security number, they can apply to COF and request a "C Number" to use while they participate in Concurrent Enrollment and ASCENT. This option is only recommended for Concurrent Enrollment students who were not issues a social security number. COF C Number Instructions
Registration Forms and Guidelines:
Registration/Schedule Change Form
This form is used to register, drop and withdraw from Red Rocks classes. Forms must be submitted with a photo I.D. to the High School Relations or Admissions Offices.
Other Important forms and Guidelines
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 was designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the rights of students, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings.
FERPA Privacy Notification
FERPA prohibits access to or release of education records or personally identifiable information contained in such records (other than directory information) without the written consent of the student or as specified by other exceptions such as subpoenas and court orders.
If you would like to give permission to a family member or another third-party to access your information, you can complete the Permission to Release Records (FERPA) form on The Rock student portal. To access the form, please follow the steps below. Click here for FERPA Basic Information.
- Log into The Rock Student Portal
- Click on the Student tab
- Scroll down to the My Student Stuff box
- Click on the form titled "Permission to Release Educational Records (FERPA)
For questions or help with the process, please email
Student Resources and Handouts:
The difference between high School and college
High School vs. College: A General Comparison
As you can imagine, high schools and colleges vary significantly across the country. Thus, educational experiences can differ radically from school to school and from student to student. This comparison chart illustrates general differences between high school and college.
RRCC Application Help
Red Rocks Community College Application Instructions
Click Here for a link to a video tutorial
Navigate Help
How to schedule appointments through Navigate:
- Log into Navigate or call the Advising Front Desk at (303) 914-6275 to schedule an appointment.
- Click here for step-by-step directions on how to schedule an appointment in Navigate.
How to register for classes online through Navigate:
- Use Navigate to plan out your entire time at RRCC! Explore academic programs with Major Explorer, find important to-do’s, and drag and drop courses into different semesters to see your exact path to graduation.
- Watch this short video on how to register for classes in Navigate.
College4All (C4A) Orientation
C4A Spring 2024 Remote Courses and Orientation
Next Steps
Once you finalize your schedule, you'll have additional steps to take to prepare for the start of the semester. We've created a list of next steps for you to take to ensure you're all set for the semester start!
Counselor Resources and Handouts:
Welcome to the RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Counselor Resource Page! This resource website serves as your table of contents and quick start guide to help you navigate the ins and outs of Concurrent Enrollment, Early College, ASCENT, and TREP. We hope this page will be a helpful one-stop-shop for all your community college counseling needs.
Program Definitions
Concurrent Enrollment (CE) – High school students (grades 9-12) taking college coursework while still in high school, tuition paid for by the school or school district.
- Campus Select – Courses on the RRCC campus where high school students can come to RRCC and participate in class alongside the traditional college population.
- High School Select – Courses that run on the high school campus, taught by high school teachers who are qualified RRCC instructors.
ASCENT – A 5th year of high school program for students who have completed at least 9 college credits by the end of their senior year of high school. Students are coded by their school or school district as a high school student for one additional year, which allows the school district to pay for the student’s tuition for that one year. This program is intended to allow Concurrent Enrollment students to continue and ideally complete degrees/certificates they have already been working towards through CE.
TREP – Similar to ASCENT, but specifically for students going into an Education Pathway. This program is a 5th and 6th year program students can join if they have completed specific coursework during their senior year in high school.
Dual Enrollment – An option for high school students to take courses that are not financially covered or approved by their high schools. These courses may be counted for both high school and college credit (at the high school’s discretion) but are paid for out-of-pocket by the student or family. Requirements for this type of admission depends on the age of the student.
- Underage Enrollment (16 and under) - Students who are 16 and under must go through the Underage Enrollment process housed in Admissions at RRCC. The steps must all be completed and submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the term to allow for processing time.
- Traditional Enrollment (17 and up) - High school students wishing to earn dual credit (independently of CE) who are 17 or older are able to apply to the college and register for classes as traditional students. Students can contact Admissions for assistance: or 303-914-6600.
Concurrent Enrollment – Campus Select Resources
Registration Process – Walks you through the items we need from you as a counselor, as well as what we need from students to enroll them in their college credit.
Campus Select Registration Process (for counselors)
RRCC Application Instructions – Walks students through how to apply to RRCC in either written or video format
- Application account login issues – Direct students to Admissions: 303-914-6600
Written Application Instructions
Required Student Paperwork
- Concurrent Enrollment Agreement (CEA) – Required paperwork that all students must submit to be coded at Concurrent Enrollment (need RRCC S# first)
- Student Financial/Payment Agreement (SPA) - All CS students are required to submit this regardless of if they are paying student fees. **Parent SSN is required if the student is under 18.
- Underage Agreement (UA) - Required for students under the age of 17 taking courses at RRCC
Digital Concurrent Enrollment Agreement (CEA)
Student Financial/Payment Agreement (SPA)
Student Financial/Payment Agreement (Español)
Underage Agreement (UA)
Satisfying Prerequisites – Many college courses have required levels of English and/or Math to place into them. This chart shows options for how students can show proof of these levels.
Prerequisite Overrides – If a student has received college credit from another college or an AP/IB exam, they can submit that documentation here to have the prerequisite to the next course overridden. If the student wants that course transcripted at RRCC, they need to submit official transcripts to Student Records.
Multiple Measures for Prerequisites
Prerequisites for Commonly Requested CE Courses
Prerequisite Override Request Form
Credit for Prior Learning Resources
Math for your Path Handout
The Rock Student Portal
- Login – The first time a student logs into The Rock, they will use the following login:
- Username: RRCC S# (students can call 303-914-6266 to recover their S#)
- Password: StudentMMDDYYYY with MMDDYYYY being the 8 digits of their date of birth
- After using this temporary login, they will then be prompted to create a password of their choosing.
- For login issues with The Rock students can contact the CE office at 303-914-6350 or
- Registration – Students will use Navigate (located inside The Rock) to register themselves for their approved courses. A video tutorial is included in the links to the right.
- Appointments – Students can make appointments with many offices at RRCC including the CE team, Advising, and Financial Aid via Navigate. A video tutorial is included in the links to the right.
- Transcripts – Once students have earned their college credit, they can transfer it to other colleges and universities. There is a fee per copy for Official Transcripts. Instructions are linked on the right.
- Declaring a Major – Having the correct major declared will help eliminate confusion when using Degree Check and will allow for proper funding of Financial Aid post CE. Students can change their degree once per semester, but it must be done before census of that semester.
- Degree Check – This automated evaluation tool will let students know what portion of their declared degree/certificate is complete and what courses they still need to complete. There is also a “What If” feature that lets students explore different programs to see how much progress would be complete if they change their major.
Navigate How-To Videos
(Including how to register and how to make an appointment with an RRCC staff member)
- How to Access transcripts on The Rock
- How to Declare/Change Major
- DegreeCheck Handout
FERPA – The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act covers the privacy of all students, even those under 18 who are still in high school. Due to FERPA, faculty and staff at the college cannot release any information regarding the student’s educational records to anyone other than the student themselves. The Concurrent Enrollment Agreement waives FERPA for the designated high school party (typically the counselor).
FERPA Waiver Access:
- Have student sign into The Rock
- Student tab
- Scroll down to “My Student Stuff”
- Fill out “Permission to Release Educational Records” form
*We only recommend having students fill this out if and when necessary
Orientation/Next Steps – The CE team hosts a new student orientation for all new CE/ASCENT/TREP students at the Lakewood campus of RRCC each semester
Next Steps Handout
College Opportunity Fund (COF)
- C Numbers – If a student does not have an SSN, they can apply to COF for a C Number. Instructions are linked on the right.
- Errors - Students may have COF errors due to issues like these:
- Needing to apply to COF
- Having a mismatch in personal data between the RRCC account and the COF account (DOB, SSN, Name, etc.)
C Number Instructions (students with No SSN only)
Students can apply to COF here (only needs to be done if the student marked “No” on the COF question on the RRCC application)
To correct errors for SSN, DOB, and Names, students can fill out this form .
Tuition Cost – Many schools cover the cost of tuition but not fees, others cover all student costs. If students pay any portion of their bill, they can set up a payment plan with the Cashier’s Office.
Welcome current Concurrent Enrollment Instructors! This webpage is intended to act as your one-stop-shop for all the information and resources you’ll need to be a successful Concurrent Enrollment instructor with Red Rocks Community College.
New Instructors
Thank you for your interest in becoming a RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Instructor! To start the academic approval process please complete the following steps:
- Coordinate with High School level administration.
- Receive approval from local district Concurrent Enrollment and Career & Technical Education (as applicable) office/coordinators.
- Review the CE Instructor Qualifications to ensure you meet all the hiring requirements.
- Review the required CCNS course learning outcomes and topical outlines.
- Submit electronic CE Instructor Application for RRCC Concurrent Enrollment.
- Fall Semester: March 15
- Spring Semester: October 15
CE Instructor Qualifications & Application
RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Instructors are expected to meet the same required qualifications as Faculty and Adjunct Instructors. See RRPR 3-291 Faculty Instructor Qualifications Procedure - Appendix A for a specific list of qualifications for each discipline/program.
Application Deadline:
- Fall Semester: March 15
- Spring Semester: October 15
Guaranteed Transfer (GT) Pathways Courses:
GT Pathways Courses, in which the student earns a C or higher, will always transfer and apply to GT Pathways requirements in AA, AS and most bachelor's degrees at every public Colorado college and university. GT Pathways does not apply to some degrees (such as many engineering, computer science, nursing and others listed here).
- A faculty member or instructor must hold a master’s degree in the program of study of the discipline or subfield in which they teach. If the general education applicant holds a degree in a discipline other than the one proposed for teaching, then the chair or dean of the program will do a close review of the transcript to verify at least 18 (eighteen) graduate credit hours, relevant to the field or subfield.
- Required Application Materials:
- Resume
- References
- Copies of transcripts, unofficial preferred
- Copy of Secondary Teaching Credential
- Copies of additional credentials, if applicable.
GT Concurrent Enrollment Application
Career and Technical Education (CTE Course)
(CTE) Courses leverage the workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality CTE experiences leading to lifelong career success. Under the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education (SBCCOE) board rules governing credentialing, all secondary instructors who teach in a Colorado Community College System (CCCS) approved program must hold a valid credential.
At the post-secondary level, CRS 23-60-304 indicates postsecondary CTE instructors must hold a valid credential. A credential ensures that the CTE program provides students with well qualified instructors possessing appropriate occupational and educational experience.
- Occupational experience is required for all CTE positions held within the last 7 years (5 years for the health science programs) related to the field in which you are applying to teach.
- An applicant with a related Bachelor's degree or higher - 2,000 hours
- An applicant with a related Associate's degree or Industry license, certification or at the minimum a high school diploma - 4,000 hours
- Health areas must provide 4,000 occupational hours regardless of the degree they hold
- Some CTE courses will require additional instructor certifications (i.e. CPR, OSHA, etc.)
Required Application Materials:
- Resume
- References
- Copies of transcripts, unofficial preferred
- CTE Cover Sheet
- CTE Post-Secondary Application
- General OEV OR Self-Employed OEV
- Copy of Secondary Teaching Credential
- Copies of additional credentials, if applicable.
CTE Concurrent Enrollment Application
Your submitted application and documents will be submitted to the RRCC department chair/lead for review. After review by the department chair/dean, the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager will notify you of the decision regarding your application to offer C.E. at your high school. If denied, RRCC will provide information on steps instructors can take if they want to reapply in the future such as additional coursework or specific occupational experience.
Approved Instructors
- Complete RRCC HR paperwork to receive RRCC email address and employee S# to access the web portal “The Rock”
- Schedule a meeting with your RRCC CE Department Chair/Lead after instructor qualification approval to discuss requirements for course curriculum, syllabus, materials, and equipment.
- View Concurrent Enrollment Statement of Standards: RRCC Instructor Guidelines
- Use the RRCC course syllabi verbatim or map your high school syllabi with RRCC's with approval from RRCC chair/lead. Syllabi Resources: Accessible syllabi template
- Upload course syllabi to your D2L course shell to reflect RRCC competencies and requirements. (Instructors may also be required to provide additional materials and/or use RRCC exams to ensure consistency).
- Distribute RRCC syllabus to students.
- Check your rosters once registration is complete and sign your Roster Verification Form via Adobe Sign by using your RRCC issued email.
- Schedule yearly classroom observation with RRCC CE Liaison.
- Have students submit Student Observations of Instruction (SOIs).
- Attend annual CE professional development (Mid-Spring Semester)
- All CE instructors are expected to respond within 48-72 hours (excluding weekends/holidays) to their RRCC department chairs/department liaison communications.
- Submit final grades into the RRCC Banner system (through The Rock portal using your S#) 48 hours after the last class date.
Course Offerings
- Review CCCS Common Course Number System (CCNS) to align coursework: CCCS course alignment Only courses in the current RRCC catalog will be considered for approval.
- RRCC CE Liaison must approve the following before the course may be offered to ensure alignment with campus based RRCC courses. Must be approved before May 1 for fall courses & December 1 for spring courses
- Class has been reviewed and matches a Common Course in CCCNS and RRCC’s catalog.
- Course syllabus has been reviewed.
- Course assignments, tests, and papers are at the same level, rigor, relevance, and depth as those in campus-based courses.
- Textbook and course materials have been reviewed and are appropriate for use in teaching the college course.
- The instructional facilities, including laboratory, studio, and technology facilities have been reviewed and are comparable to campus-based facilities.
- Participation/enrollment requirements: Red Rocks Community College requires Concurrent Enrollment classes to have the following minimum participation percentages. Lack of participation may result in class cancellations.
- Career Technical Education (CTE) courses: 50% of students enrolled
- Guaranteed Transfer (GT) courses: 80% of students enrolled
- Courses with RRCC Instructors, require the use of Desire2Learn (D2L) all and math courses: 100% of students enrolled
- Encourage your students to take advantage of Concurrent Enrollment program opportunities!
- Annual re-approval for Concurrent Enrollment Courses: Each academic year, RRCC Department chairs/leads will review your course offerings for re-approval. Please communicate any curriculum changes or new course requests to your RRCC department chair/lead and the Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager by the academic approval deadlines.
Academic Approval Request Deadlines:
- Fall Semester: March 15
- Spring Semester: October 15
Instructor Resources
- Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Checklist
- 2023-2024 Important RRCC Dates to Remember
- 2023-2024 RRCC Department Chair/Dean Contact List
- Accessible Syllabus Template
- RRCC Instructor Guidelines
- Glossary of Terms: RRCC grading policies and procedures
Videos and Tutorials
- Desire2Learn (D2L) Presentation: Former Dean of Instructional Technology, Jon Jonson, provides a tutorial on Desire2Learn (D2L), RRCC's online learning management system.
- RRCC Grade Posting Tutorial: Tutorial and step-by-step instructions on how to post RRCC final grades on The Rock student portal.
- C.E. Instructor Essentials Presentation: Instructor onboarding and retaining video goes over all the essential information to be a successful Concurrent Enrollment RRCC Instructor
- Accreditation and Concurrent Enrollment Presentation: Presentation on Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation and Concurrent Enrollment.
RRCC Supports
- RRCC Department Chair/Department Liaison: RRCC Department Chairs/Department Liaisons will provide the following support to assist in the development of your course.
- Sample Syllabi
- Additional course material lists
- Textbook samples (when available)
- Classroom observation/feedback
- Prompt responses to any course-related questions
- RRCC Concurrent Enrollment Office
- Semester check-ins with Concurrent Enrollment Academic Affairs Manager
- Support with roster reviews, withdraws and grade postings
- Frequent updates college policies and procedures
- Reminders of important deadlines
- Management of Student Opinions of Instruction (SOI’s)
- Provide professional development opportunities
- Assist students with RRCC registration process
Students younger than 17 years old and who are not participating in Concurrent Enrollment programs at a Colorado public high school may be considered for underage admission by completing a “Request for Waiver of Admissions Requires for Underage Students”.
The Benefits
- Get the college experience
Attend classes on the Red Rocks college campus in Lakewood or Arvada. Classroom sizes average 15-30 students. - Get a head start on your college career
Work towards a degree or certificate.
Click here to learn more about our programs. - Work towards your bachelor’s degree now
Finish your two-year degree at RRCC and transfer your college credits to a four-year university.
Are you currently attending a Colorado Public High School and planning to take classes in the fall or spring?
If you are a concurrent enrollment high school student, please contact the Concurrent Enrollment staff at (303) 914-6350 or visit the concurrent enrollment section of this webpage.
Students under the age of 17 years old who wish to waive the Colorado Community College and Occupational Education System State Board Policy must complete the following steps:
SUMMER 2024 SEMESTER: MAY 17, 2024
New Students:
Complete the free online RRCC and COF applications
- Click here to start your application.
- Be sure to say yes when asked if you would like to create a College Opportunity Fund (COF) account or apply at:
Being issued a student ID number does not guarantee underage enrollment acceptance.
Complete the Required College Overview (Online)
- Online: Learn at your own pace by completing the Required College Overview! Follow the steps below for instructions on how to access this online information:
- Log on to The Rock with your S#
- Your temporary password is Student followed by your date of birth: StudentMMDDYYYY
- Click on “Required College Overview” at the bottom of the page
Fill out the Waiver of Admissions Requirements form and gather supporting documentation
Click here to complete and submit the Waiver of Admissions Requirements online form
The following required materials should be submitted with the Waiver packet:
- Official transcripts of all education completed
- RRCC academic placement test or equivalent scores (SAT OR ACT scores)
- Completion of foreign language placement test (required for students requesting enrollment an advanced-level foreign language course)
- Letter(s) of recommendation (see Waiver form for details)
- Official copies of additional standardized test results
- Portfolio of relevant educational accomplishments
Waiver Packets will be evaluated for completion and forwarded with a recommendation to the Academic Standards Committee for review.
All applications for a waiver must be submitted for review at least 2 weeks before the first day of the semester. Late Waiver applications cannot be guaranteed for review prior to the semester start date.
Take the academic placement test and college
- Academic placement testing is offered on the RRCC Lakewood Campus by appointment or virtually on a case-by-case basis.
- Students are not required to complete all sections of the test during the same visit.
- A photo ID (Driver’s license, state ID or student ID’s accepted) is required to test—no exceptions
- Click Here for Assessment Center hours
- Request Accuplacer testing by emailing:
Registration will be completed upon approval
After a final decision has been reached, the student will be contacted by phone or email of acceptance or denial.
If acceptance is established, students will be notified and registered for the courses by the Admissions Office.
Prepare for the start of the semester
- Pay your tuition and fees on campus or through “The Rock” student portal. Students are responsible for all tuition and fees. Click here to view the tuition chart.
- Know the drop and withdraw deadlines by viewing your detailed student schedule in The Rock.
- Activate your student email on “The Rock” student portal.
- Purchase your textbooks.
Returning Students:
Meet with an Academic Advisor:
Schedule an advising appointment with an Academic Advisor to check-in and select courses for enrollment. Advising is open Monday-Thursday 9:00-6:00 and Friday 9:00-5:00.
Submit your written request to register:
Submit your written request to register to:
Be sure to:
- Submit your request through your college issued email account.
- Include your RRCC student ID number.
- Mention that you are a returning Underage Student.
- Submit a new Student Financial Responsibility Agreement.
Participation in enrollment to RRCC begins a student’s college experience and a permanent college transcript. In contrast to the AP program (where college credit is granted upon successful completion of a national examination and no record is kept on the student’s college transcript if the exam is not passed), registration for enrollment constitutes a commitment to enter the final course grade on the student’s Permanent college record, regardless of the results. Furthermore, credit is earned by performance and participation throughout the course, rather than by an exit examination alone.
Contact Information:
Admissions Office
(303) 914-6600
Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM-6:00 PM
Fridays 9:00-4:00
Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Room #1008- Lakewood Campus or Room #7154-Arvada Campus or (303) 914-6350 (main line)
In-person or virtual appointment available. Appointments can be scheduled through Navigate.