Overall Good Resources
Lakewood Homeless Navigation Resources
A comprehensive list of resources from the City of Lakewood Community Action Team.
Resources available for Undocumented Communities
Los recursos para la comunidad inmigrante e indocumentada en Denver.
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado
Covid 19 - Adjusted Essential Services
Sack lunches daily between 11 am – noon, email/phone ordering baby food, diapers, and wipes.
Case Management and Counseling services delivered via technology (teleconferencing, telephone, or other means) including Family Immigration Services and ESL Case Management
Colorado Human Services
(Denver County)
1575 Sherman St
Denver, CO 80203
Colorado PEAK
The fast and easy way to access benefit information - anytime and anywhere. PEAK is an online service for Coloradans to screen and apply for medical, food, cash, and early childhood assistance programs.
Discounts for Students
MoneyGeek lists a variety of student discounts.
Early Milestones Colorado - Family Resources
Colorado specific resources compiled by early milestones Colorado for families.
JeffCo Action Center
The Action Center’s mission is to provide an immediate and compassionate response to those in our community experiencing hardship and by offering the resources and services needed to stabilize lives and promote pathways to lasting change.
JeffCo Public School’s
A comprehensive resource guide with community and family connections to support students experiences homelessness depending on individual need.
Jefferson County Human Services
Provides food assistance, housing, medical, etc.
900 Jefferson County Parkway
Phone: 303.271.6511
Toll free: 888.256.0321
Recovery, housing, employment services, and drop-in center.
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 2pm
8000 West Colfax Avenue | (303) 777-0217 | jginsburg@recoveryworkstoday.org
Student Loan Repayment Help
If you have questions on loan forgiveness or repaying your federal student loans, schedule a Student Loan Checkup. Call or visit Tom Miller in Financial aid. Thomas.miller@rrcc.edu | (303) 914-6021. He can help you find options to keep your payments affordable and help you stay healthy in repayment.
Mile High United Way
A statewide community resource connecting individuals and families to critical resources including food, shelter, rental assistance, childcare, and more.
Dial 2-1-1 for Help Center, or Text Your Zip Code to 8-9-8-2-1-1.
Mother Cabrini Shrine Resource Directory
Online resource directory.
Mountain Resource Center
Offers a variety of helpful services to residents of western Jefferson County and eastern Park County.
Phone: 303.838.7552
Email: info@mrcco.com
Address: 11030 Kitty Drive, Conifer CO. 80433
Youth (ages 19 years of age and under) ride RTD for free through August, 2024!
Computer/Cell Phone-Related Resources
Affordable Connectivity Program
Affordable internet access for households.
PCs For People
This nonprofit accepts used computers, wipes them clean, and makes them available at low to no cost.
RRCC Library Laptop Rentals
We have a limited number of laptops for checkout to students. Schedule an appointment at https://cccs.libcal.com/appointments/checkouts?g=19996.
Phone: 303.914.6740
Email: library@rrcc.edu
Energy Assistance Resources
Catholic Charities Energy Assistance
Phone: 855.777.5280
Email: info@ccdenver.org
6240 Smith Road
Denver, CO. 80216
Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
Financial Support
Request RRCC Emergency Funding Here
Red Rocks Community College cares about you, and we want to do everything we can to help you succeed in your academic pursuits. If you are facing an economic emergency, you have the option to request limited emergency aid using the form at the link above. All students in need are encouraged to request funding, and to apply for financial aid. Funding is extremely limited so we cannot guarantee to have funding available when you submit a request. Funds are provided through donations to the RRCC Housing and Food Insecurity Council via the RRCC Foundation. Click here to donate, and indicate "Program" in the Designation line. In the Special Instructions section, indicate Emergency Aid for Students.
Jefferson County Business & Workforce Center
The Jefferson County Business & Workforce Center provides a variety of resources, including financial assistance, to help you gain new skills through training, support you through your current training, and provide on-the-job work experiences.
Food Resources
Real-time Updated Food Pantry Lists
Food Pantry List during Covid-19 - Real Time Updates
Denver area emergency food services, including delivery and pickup options.
Benefits in Action Food Delivery
Form to get food delivery for individuals in Lakewood and surrounding neighborhoods.
Community Table (Arvada Food Bank)
Community Table offers programs in hunger relief and self sustainability.
Food Bank of the Rockies
On campus (at the WQM building) the 1st Saturday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00. They have a huge semi-truck full of boxed and canned goods, some produce, and occasionally they have dairy and eggs.
Hunger Free Colorado
Connecting people to food resources.
RRCC Student Life Food Bank
The Food Bank is open at both campuses. You can shop each week for food and hygiene items including pastas, rice, canned veggies, beans, tuna, and more. More information about the Food Bank and how to access. Please contact Student Life with any questions: Katelyn.Martin@rrcc.edu
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
A Federal nutrition program that can help student stretch their food budgets and can help you qualify for additional FAFSA aid. You might qualify for SNAP if you: Work 80 hours/ month; Participate in work-study; Are a parent or caregiver; Receive TANF benefits; Have a disability that makes working challenging; Participate in a workforce development program.
Housing Resources
Arvada Housing Authority
Housing choice voucher program.
Housing and other support resources, including mentorship and employment/self-sufficiency support for single mothers.
Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.
Government partnerships and funding for residential improvements, safety, and accessibility.
Brothers Redevelopment, Inc. is one of two statewide programs providing rental and mortgage assistance for families who have been economically impacted by COVID-19.
Colorado Housing & Finance Authority (chfa)
Financial resources for homeownership, affordable housing, and businesses in Colorado.
chfa COVID-19 Information
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
The Coalition is a national leader in providing integrated housing, health care, vocational and support services, creating lasting solutions to homelessness.
Colorado Housing Connects
Colorado Housing Connects is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing all residents of Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson counties with reliable, trustworthy access to general housing and fair-housing resources.
Denver Rescue Mission
Denver Rescue Mission is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the homeless and needy in the Denver metro area. Services include meals, shelter, and daytime services.
6100 Smith Road, Denver CO. 80216
Housing Urban Development – Buying a house, looking for rental assistance.
HUD COVID-19 Relief for Homeowners
Indy Street Flats
Provides low-income apartments, and is a part of Metro West Housing Solutions.
1440 Independence Ave, Lakewood CO. 80215
Metro West Housing Solutions
Provides Section 8 housing choice vouchers to eligible Lakewood residents. Committed to providing high quality, safe, affordable, and sustainable housing and services to thousands of people in metro Denver that earn a range of incomes and embody the community's strengths, culture, and diversity.
Native American Housing Circle (NAHC) Resources
Roomates - https://www.roomies.com/
Sunshine Home Share Colorado
Helps people over 55 years of age stay in their homes by safely matching them with someone seeking housing. Home sharing creates a mutually beneficial relationship, exchanging supportive services (lawn mowing, household chores, etc.), and companionship for affordable rent.
Urban Peak
Provides resources for homeless youth. Youth aged 15-20 who are experiencing homelessness are able to stay at their shelter. It is the only licensed shelter for youth in Denver. Urban Peak also has a drop-in center for youth with hot meals, clothing, lockers, laundry, and shower facilities. Youth can meet with a case manager to help gain access to other community resources. The drop-in center is available for youth aged15-24. Homelessness for Urban Peak has a varied definition; if your housing is unstable in anyway, call today to see what resources you can get.
Job Hunting Resources
JeffCo Business & Workforce Center
RRCC Career Services Center
Students can get help with job-search skills, career coaching, career assessments, or help with resume or cover letters. Students can also find information on internships, apprenticeships, research opportunities, and how to receive college credit for these types of opportunities.
Transgender Center of the Rockies
Provides counseling, support groups, prophylaxis, doctor’s letters to support gender affirming treatments, and substance use treatment.
Planned Parenthood LGBT+ Services
Funding Resource for those who are in the process of transitioning
Resources for Transgender People in Tech, and Allies
Medical Resources
Children's Hospital Colorado ParentSmart Healthline
Free healthline for parents and families without a primary care.
Clinica Colorado
Adams County low cost primary health care for uninsured.
Connect for Health Colorado
Colorado's official health insurance marketplace. Offering emergency COVID-19 support.
Sheridan Health Clinic
Two clinics that provide primary care and other health services
STRIDE Community Health Center
Provides health care to low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations across Denver Metro.
Mental Health Resources
Comprehensive List from CCCOnline
All Health Counseling
(Arapahoe & Douglas County)
All locations closed but, services still available over the phone.
24/7 Crisis Intervention: 303.730.3303
Aurora Mental Health
Walk-in crisis services still open for mental health emergencies most locations doing online and phone appointments
The Blue Bench (Sexual Assault Support)
Case management, counseling and support through medical and legal logistics.
24/7 Hotline: 303.322.7273
24/7 Spanish Hotline: 303.329.0031
Colorado Crisis Services
24/7 free hotline, text and online chat services for crisis help, information and referrals, free emergency walk-in locations.
1.844.493.8255 or Text “TALK” to 38255
Community Reach Center
(Adams County)
Appointments with therapists have been moved to over the phone. Call for assistance.
Crisis Text Line
Text a trained Crisis Counselor
Text HELLO to 741741
Denver Health Emergency Mental Health Services
24/7 onsite/phone evaluations, crisis stabilization and treatment for psychiatric or substance emergencies, information and referrals.
Family Tree
Services to help address issues behind child abuse, domestic violence, and homelessness.
For students experiencing homelessness
This guide from Social Work License Map provides resources, hotlines, online toolkits, and strategies to support the mental health of students experiencing homelessness (scroll down to the middle of the webpage to find student resources).
Jefferson Center
Therapy, medication management, and numerous other mental health services. Accepts Medicaid, most insurances, and has a reduced fee for those that qualify based on income. Limited Services at West Colfax and Independence and Crisis walk-in services still available.
303.432.5130 (New Appointments)
9485 West Colfax Ave, Lakewood CO
Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking
Colorado Human Trafficking Hotline conducting trainings, education, and research. Promoting statewide Action Plan.
24/7 Hotline: 866.455.5075
Text 'Help' to: 720.999.9724
Mental Health Center of Denver
All appointments have been moved to phone or video. Locations are closed but, new patients are still being accepted.
Mental Health Partners
Mental health and addiction recovery services serving Boulder and Broomfield counties.
Accepting new patients for assessment over the phone. Phone and video appointments available.
National Domestic Violence 24 Hour Hotline
Speak confidentially if experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources, or questioning unhealthy relationships.
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
Reach an Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocate for 24/7 support in more than 200 languages.
Onlinetherapy.com | Denver, Colorado
Find mental health therapists in Denver and other free resources.
People House
Income-based ($20-$30/session). Telephone and virtual sessions available.
RRCC Health and Counseling Center
The Health and Counseling Center is currently offering phone and virtual therapy sessions only.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 303-914-6655.
RRCC Healthy Minds Resource Center
Our social media pages where we will be sharing resources and opportunities for connecting in order to maintain mental health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic. And students needing help identifying and connecting with on and off campus resources can call and leave a message at 303-914-6185 or email the Health Minds Resource Center at peercounseling@rrcc.edu
Email: peercounseling@rrcc.edu
Office: 303-914-6185
The Steve Fund
Young person of color crisis text line.
Text STEVE to 741741
Suicide Prevention Resources - American Association for Suicidology
Online resources and information about suicide.
Suicide Prevention Resources - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Group and community engagement through education and prevention programs.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
If concerns about suicide arise for yourself or someone you care about, call, or chat online.
1.800.273.8255 (TALK)
Spanish Hotline: 1.888.628.9454
Trans Lifeline
Trans-led peer support service.
Trevor Project
24/7 LGBTQ+ community support services
Trevor LifeLine: 1-866-488-7386
TrevorChat: Text START to 678678
Pay-What-You-Can Resources:
Pay-What-You-Can/Free Fitness:
Whole Yoga
Offering Livestream Classes
Pay-What-You-Can/Free Restaurants:
Café 180
Offering free packaged lunches on a first come/first served basis. Offering take-out orders with a suggested donation.
Offering curbside pickup
Graceful Cafe
Offering curbside pickup for 1 free meal per person daily, breakfast and lunch.
Pay-What-You-Can Theater:
Dangerous Theatre
Offering past shows online for $5