Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I take individual culinary arts courses such as sauces, desserts, garde manger, etc.?
A: This is a comprehensive three-year apprenticeship program with no opportunity for individuals to take only specific sections.
Q: I am only available from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Can I still participate in the program?
A: The chef’s apprenticeship program requires full-time employment in an approved sponsoring house. Hours worked, time off, and vacations may vary on a daily basis with no guarantee or consistency. An apprentice will work when there is work and be off on the slower days. The same applies to vacations.
Q: Can the place where I’m currently employed be an RMCC sponsoring house?
A: Only RMCC sponsoring houses qualify as employers. Nevertheless, if a non-sponsoring house does meet all requirements per established standards to become an RMCC sponsoring house, a committee representative will schedule a visitation and possible approval.
Q: I cannot find employment with a sponsoring house and understand that this is the most important part of becoming an apprentice. What can I do?
A: Be persistent and don’t give up inquiring about an opening. Many times a sponsoring house may not hire you on your initial visit, but may be hiring the next day or next week.
Q: What is the difference between internship, externship, and apprenticeship?
A: Internship is an unpaid part of the culinary college program that may not offer any other work experience. Externship is a paid short-term part of a culinary college program, varying in length from 2 to 12 months. Apprenticeship is a three-year, comprehensive “earn as you learn” dual program (work + school).
Q: Will I qualify for financial aid through Red Rocks Community College?
A: Under provisions of the articulation agreement between Rocky Mountain Chefs of Colorado and Red Rocks Community College, students in the RMCC culinary arts program do not qualify for financial aid or assistance.
From Chef Sever to the interested RMCC Chef’s Apprentice student:
This reminder lists of requirements that MUST be fulfilled prior to contacting Please follow this simple procedure to discover if this program fits your needs.
- Read the step-by-step requirements. You as an interested student need to study the complete website with all its information and find out if this program will work for you.
- This is NOT a traditional college program or cooking class! This is a three-year apprenticeship and commitment with a sponsoring house and chef. This includes full-time work (40+ hours at the sponsoring houses), 5 hour weekly evening classes, online classes, daily logbook entries, and a vigorous curriculum with written and practical tests. There is no leeway to miss work or classes.
- After you discover that this program may be for you, please visit an Orientation Session. Dates, times and location starting April are listed on the RRCC website.
- If you do not find a sponsoring house between April and the beginning of August of the year you start, you most likely will not be able to start the program on September of that year.
Classroom Location for Evening Classes
New Kitchen Network campus, in Vail Hall at 1785 Quebec Street, Denver, CO. Vail Hall is located across the walkway from the yellow metal shade coverings. Registration and other classes may be held at Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood Campus. Please see the syllabus for details.
Attract motivated employees with our Sponsoring House Program. Click here for More information