Warren Tech
Warren Tech is the career and technical high school for Jeffco Public Schools.
Red Rocks is collaborating with Warren Tech to develop new program structures for adult students in programs hosted at the Warren Tech location. During this restructuring phase, we will not enroll new adult students in programs held at the Warren Tech campus. However, currently enrolled adult students can complete their programs if they remain enrolled and comply with Jeffco safety protocols. Adult students interested in programs hosted at Warren Tech can complete the Warren Tech Adult Interest form to stay updated as program restructures occur. Please contact Derek Grubb, RRCC Dean of Enrollment Management, with questions or concerns at Derek.Grubb@rrcc.edu.
Teaches students how to repair damaged cars, refinish them, and even customize them for a lucrative career in the auto industry.
Please visit the Warren Tech Automotive Collision Repair and Customization page for information on their program.
The RRCC Automotive Collision Repair and Customization Program offers a two year degree and 5 certificates.
Use your sharp, analytical mind to diagnose engine, mechanical or electrical system failures in the Automotive Technology CTE program.
Please visit the Warren Tech Automotive Technology page for information on their program.
The RRCC Automotive Technology program offers two year degrees and certificates.
Help people accentuate their beauty to look and feel their best in the Cosmetology: Esthetics CTE program.
Please visit the Warren Tech Cosmetology Esthetics page for information on their program.
The RRCC Cosmetology Program offers a two year degree in Cosmetology and a certificate in Esthetics
Are you the trendy, go-to hairstylist for your peers? Let the Cosmetology: Hairstyling CTE program level up your styling expertise.
Please visit the Warren Tech Cosmetology Hairstyling page for information on their program.
The RRCC Cosmetology Program offers a two year degree in Cosmetology and a certificate in Hairstyling.
Do people always stop and ask about your nails? Are you constantly sharing nail polishing tips? Learn more about the Cosmetology: Nail Technology CTE program.
Please visit the Warren Tech Cosmetology Nail Technology page for information on their program.
The RRCC Nail Technology Program offers a two year degree in Cosmetology and a certificate in Nail Technology.
Are you the go-to chef? In the Culinary Arts CTE program, you’ll learn how to turn mealtime into a delightful dining experience.
Please visit the Warren Tech Culinary Arts page for information on their program.
The RRCC Culinary Arts program offers a two year degree and two certificates.
Are you always flashing your smile and want to help people have a beautiful smile too? Learn more about the Dental Assisting CTE program.
Please visit the Warren Tech Dental Assisting page for information on their program.
The RRCC Dental Assisting program offers a certificate.
Are you fascinated by how complex machinery works? If you want to learn how to make precision parts, from medical devices to generators, the Precision Machining Technology CTE program will prepare you for this rewarding career.
Please visit the Warren Tech Precision Machining Technology page for information on their program.
The RRCC Precision Machining program offers a degree and 7 certificates
Do you enjoy hands-on work and excel at geometry? Learn more about commanding a higher salary as a welder in the Welding CTE program.
Please visit the Warren Tech Welding page for information on their program.
The RRCC Welding program offers a degree and 5 certificates