Emergency Notification System (ENS)


AppArmor Emergency Alert Notification System Information

The AppArmor Emergency Alerting System is used to notify students, faculty, and staf of various types of emergency related events to include weather, campus lockdowns/lockouts, and other threats to the campus community. All students, faculty, and staff

All students are automatically registered into the AppArmor Emergency Notification System at RRCC when they enroll in classes.

Eligibility for Opting Out of ENS at RRCC

While attending RRCC, you can NOT completely opt out (unsubscibe) from this system, and must remain in at least one(1) notification type (text, phone, or email).

If you no longer attend RRCC and would like to opt out (unsubscribe) because you are still receiving text, phone, or email alerts then you can fill out the information below and your registration status will be verified before we take you out of the system.

To Change/Add Your Information to ENS at RRCC

You also have the option to add/change your information to receive notifications by filling out the form below or by updating your contact information in The Rock by clicking on the update personal information link on your dashboard.

Emergency Notification System AppArmor Form