Collaboration Council
About the Collaboration Council
The RRCC College Collaboration Council is a cross-functional, shared governance group that assesses institutional performance and sets strategic directions and annual priorities for the college. The Council began in 2009 as an Action Project whose goal was to “improve the strategic planning process by increasing the engagement of college stakeholders in making recommendations and carrying out and measuring the outcomes of the decisions.” The Council is comprised of representatives from students and all employee groups. The Council advises the President and her direct reports on college-wide issues. Collaboration is defined as faculty and staff bringing a voice of equal weight to the table for communication and problem-solving, and is the structure for participatory alignment of the college’s Vision, Mission and Values with annual goals and priorities.
The Collaboration Council is also a shared governance group that integrates planning, AQIP accreditation, and review of new initiatives. Shared governance is a partnership among college leadership, constituencies, and divisions that promotes collaboration toward building a culture of quality. As it was in the initiative that launched the Council in 2009, student achievement remains a primary focus. The Council also serves as the college planning council and the strategic planning steering committee. The Council agenda culminates each year in the development of recommendations for annual goals and budget priorities in the coming year.
In summary, The Collaboration Council assesses what is important for the college as a whole. What do we need to address as a college, both annually and on a long-term basis? Where should we put our efforts? How do we translate what we hold as important into priorities, especially cross-functional priorities? How can we assess whether these efforts have resulted in the expected results we specified?
The Collaboration Council only concerns itself with those procedures and issues that affect all constituencies. The Collaboration Council is not involved with curriculum issues, individual salary, benefits, assignments, or individual department decisions. All employees are encouraged to attend the meetings should schedules permit. We hope this web page will help us communicate with everyone in the college community and allow us to hear all issues, voices, and proposals for building a truly inclusive culture of quality.