Mental Health Academy

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Criminology To Forensic Psychology
Psychology To Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Attend Red Rocks Community College for your Associate’s degree with a guaranteed transfer of your credits to The Chicago School to complete your Bachelor’s degree online and begin your Master’s degree early in either Clinical Mental Health Counseling or Forensic Psychology - Licensure Track.

The Mental Health Academy at Red Rocks Community College partners with The Chicago School and Mile High Behavioral Healthcare to offer students a streamlined route to become Licensed Professional Counselors in Colorado.

What is the Mental Health Academy at Red Rocks Community College?
In Colorado, access to care, mental health workforce availability, increased rates of youth mental illness, and other factors contribute to an increased need for licensed mental health professionals. The Mental Health Academy at Red Rocks Community College provides a streamlined route for students to achieve their college degree and attain licensure in Colorado focusing on Clinical Mental Health Counseling or Forensic Psychology through a partnership with The Chicago School and Mile High Behavioral Healthcare.

Am I eligible?
Anyone interested in working in the mental health field and seeking an Associate of Arts degree in Psychology or Criminal Justice at Red Rocks Community College may apply. Let your advisor know of your interest. If you attend a Mental Health Academy orientation during the semester and maintain a GPA of 2.3 or above, upon application, you will receive early admission to The Chicago School and become a member of the Mental Health Academy. Your credits from your Associate’s degree are guaranteed to transfer for you to complete your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees online with The Chicago School.

What are the expectations?

  • Attend the Mental Health Academy orientation at RRCC.
  • Attend regular meetings at Red Rocks Community College and/or virtually.
  • Receive mentorship and attend optional online or in-person professional development.
  • Complete at least 5 hours of community service at Mile High Behavioral Healthcare each semester.
  • Participate in an internship during your undergraduate studies (optional).
  • Transfer to The Chicago School (online campus) after completing an Associate of Arts degree at Red Rocks Community College to complete your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees online.

Why The Chicago School?
The Chicago School is a nonprofit, private, and regionally accredited university. For more than 40 years, The Chicago School has been a leading nonprofit university dedicated to training professionals for careers that improve the health of individuals, organizations, and communities throughout the world. Courses are offered online and at several ground campuses nationwide, including Chicago, Southern California, Dallas, and Washington, D.C.

If you’re living in Colorado, you’ll take your courses at The Chicago School online, with six 8-week terms offered during the academic year. You’ll receive a special tuition rate and become eligible to take 18-21 credits of graduate level courses within your bachelor’s program, saving you time and money. Upon graduation with your bachelor’s degree, you’ll receive another special alumni tuition discount to continue your master’s degree, including clinical training, residencies, and internships in order to seek licensure as a mental health counselor in Colorado. Your clinical training and internships during your graduate studies are not online. You’ll be assisted in finding clinical training sites near you. Graduate residencies are at a Chicago School campus over 2-5 days.

For more information, contact your Red Rocks Community College advisor at: 303-914-6275 or Kyle Kelly, Psychology Department Chair at: