Reflect on the Data

What is my frame of reference?

"The purpose of observation should always be to achieve deeper understanding of the child, never to prove there is something wrong." (Wittmer & Petersen, 2009)(8)


Each of us is unique. We have our own background, our own experiences and we filter information through the personal lenses we have acquired over time and through experience. When thinking about your own frame of reference, you may want to focus first on what you have observed using the following three questions:

  • What part of the observations most engaged your heart and mind?
  • What delighted you in what you observed?
  • What are you most puzzled by or curious about?

With this in mind, think about what you may have missed as a result of your personal lens.

  • Are there things in your personal background and/or experience that color what you see?
  • Do you have prior expectations for what you see?
  • How do you discover your own personal biases?

What is my frame of reference?

Here are two useful articles that may help you examine your own reflective processes, as well as a website with some excellent strategies.

Further questions:

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