On- Campus Resources for Military-Affiliated Students

RRCC Veteran Student Emergency Relief Fund

The Veterans Student Emergency Relief Fund provides financial assistance to student veterans facing unanticipated financial hardship to stabilize their situation.

These funds are to be used for unexpected financial emergencies. The funds and the amount will be dependent on the student’s situation and funds available.

Student Veterans who are interested in applying need to meet the following criteria:
Honorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces and meet the federally-mandated description of a veteran.

  • Enrolled in at least a half time status at RRCC.
  • Provide evidence of financial need and meet threshold of an emergency.
  • Zero balance due for the current semester, otherwise the funds will go towards that balance.

RRCC Veteran Emergency Relief Fund Application

These scholarships have been made possible by the Daniels Brother Memorial Endowment and other fundraising efforts. Any awarded funds will be reported as a scholarship and included on the student’s 1099T.

Scholarship Opportunities

  1. There are numerous scholarship opportunities available each year through RRCC’s Foundation. Check out www.rrcc.edu/scholarships for more information.
  2. RRCC is a member of the Colorado Advisory Council on Military Education (CO-ACME). Each year, CO-ACME offers scholarships for military-affiliated students at member schools. The application period is typically October/November each year.


  3. The National Association of Institutions for Military Education Services (NAIMES) is honored to offer several scholarships annually to celebrate the academic achievements of military students in the Armed Forces Voluntary Education programs. The Student Spotlight Award is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their academic achievement to the military and civilian educational community through an exploration of how the academic experience has influenced their military career.


On-Campus Resources

  • RRCC Student Life Food Bank
    • Hours of Operation
      • Lakewood: Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
      • Arvada: Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm
    • Currently enrolled RRCC students can shop in the Student Pantry once per week for up to 6 food items and 2 personal care items.
  • RRCC Student Health Center
    • The Student Health & Counseling Centers are supported by fees. All RRCC students have access to the services at the center. If you have not automatically paid the center fee, you have the ability to "opt in" by paying the fee at the cashier’s office. Visits with the medical providers on campus are free of charge (no co-pay) for students. You do not need health insurance to be seen in the Student Health & Counseling Center.
      The center charges minimal fees for various services to cover the cost of materials (ex: stitches, wart removal, vaccinations, etc.)
  • RRCC Student Recreation Center
    • Student Recreation is dedicated to offering resources, services, and programs that meet the health and wellness needs of our diverse campus population. Through a comprehensive list of offerings from Group Fitness and Personal Training to Outdoor Adventure trips and sport programs, we have something for every ability and fitness level. The recreation center is available at no extra charge to all fee-paying students (non-fee-paying students, such as online students, may opt in and pay the per semester recreation center fee).  Employees can access the SRC for a fee. 
  • RRCC Behavioral Health Center
    • RRCCC partners with Jefferson Center (JC) to provide behavioral health assessment, short-term counseling (6 sessions per semester), and referral at no cost to its current students. To meet the Mental Health needs of our students during the pandemic while also maintaining the safety of our students and staff, we have moved all of our services on-line. We are now providing both telephone and/or video therapy sessions to currently enrolled students, regardless of the type of classes (on-line, hybrid, remote) they are enrolled.
  • RRCC Limited Emergency Aid
    • RRCC cares about you, and we want to do everything we can to help you succeed in your academic pursuits. If you are facing an economic emergency, you have the option to request limited emergency aid using the form at the link above. All students in need are encouraged to request funding, and to apply for financial aid.  Funds are provided through donations to the RRCC Housing and Food Insecurity Council via the RRCC Foundation.