Module 5: Test Taking Strategies
1. If you have completed the Learning Styles Inventory from Module 1, then begin with step number 2. If you have yet to determine your Learning Style, then download the Learning Styles Inventory and the Learning Styles Scoring page. Complete the inventory and use the scoring page to determine which learning style is your strongest. Please note – you may be close in several areas and, therefore, use more than one style to learn and remember information. This is critical in preparing for exams! What have you determined is your strongest learning style?
2. Read the information found in the How to use Learning Styles to ascertain the techniques which will help you to prepare for exams. What steps will you take which match your learning style and test preparation?
3. Since preparation for any exam is always a key to success, download the Seven Day Exam Preparation Guide. Break down the amount of material which will be covered by the exam and divide it into six parts (Don’t forget to include any quizzes, practice tests, homework, sample problems, review material, the textbook, class notes, etc. in the plan). Beginning with day one, delineate the material to be learned for that day. Continue this procedure until all six days are filled. Day 7 is the day before the exam and it is used as a review day or a make-up day if your study schedule is thrown off for any reason. Hint: Successful students often begin with the hardest material to be learned on day 1 and continue to the easier material on day 6.
4. Read the Pre-test Activities sheet. Which activities(s) will be the most important for your success in taking exams? Why?
5. Each kind of objective test question has a different strategy unique to that style of question. Read the different kinds of objective questions and the strategies for success with each in the Hints for Taking Objective Exams After reading the linked material on objective questions, list what you believe to be the two or three most important suggestions for each style.
6. Many college exams have an essay section; read the hints in the linked material for Essay Exams and Open Book Exams. How will you plan ahead to do an essay question? …do an open book exam?
7. Taking Math Exams can be found in this section. Which hints appear to be the most important? Why?
8. When you get the exam back you should review the following:
- Are the points accurate?
- Where did most questions come from – book, lectures, outside reading?
- What types of questions – T/F, multiple choice, essay, short answer?
- What topic(s) did you miss? Do you now know the right answers?
- What did you learn to help you for the next test?
- Save test, it can help you in the future!
9. Attitude, a positive one, is very important in college success. Find out where you fall on the Attitude is Everything sheet. How is your attitude? Do you need to improve it? If so, what is your plan to strengthen your positive thoughts and actions?