School Age Child Care Statements & Tax Information

1098-T INFO: If you are an RRCC student looking for your 1098-T, please contact the Cashier's Office at

SACC Statements

Monthly statements are sent out as PDF attachments from, please make sure that our email is on your list of safe-senders to ensure you receive all statements. If you do not have the free Adobe Reader program, you may download it here.

To calculate your bill: daily rate (x) # of days attending in the month = amount due. 

Please remember your statement is not a bill, additional account activity may show up on the next statement.


Tax Information

All of our yearly tax statements have your total amount in payments made for the year. This is located at the bottom of the statement along with our tax ID number which can be used for tax purposes. If you would like a more detailed line by line statement for all the months in the year, please email If you would like it mailed to you; we do have a records request fee according our child care contracts.

If you would like to make a records request please do so by emailing

Records Request: $2.00 (per page)  - RRCC SACC office staff understand the need for additional records, and will gladly assist families in those cases upon receiving a written request and a grace period of 5 working days. Requests will be processed and mailed.